The long wait for either Manny Machado or Bryce Harper has come to an end as of February 19th.
One major domino fell in the 2019 MLB free agent class early Tuesday morning as Manny Machado signed with the San Diego Padres, according to ESPN's Jeff Passan.

Machado, 26, is one of the most coveted free agents in baseball history and his deal with the Padres matches in stature. Signing a 10 year, $300 million contract, Machado's deal is the biggest free-agent contract in American sports history, per Mark Feinsand of

Along with the record-breaking deal, Machado will have the option to opt out after the fifth year. The opt-out means Machado, if his choosing, can hit the free-agent market following his age-30 season.
Machado is coming off a career year in 2018 with the Baltimore Orioles and Los Angeles Dodgers. Combing for a career-tying 37 home runs and career high of 104 rbi's, Machado has become the cornerstone player of the San Diego Padres and the face of the organization's rebuild.
Machado, who averages 31 home runs and 37 doubles per year, is projected to have a similar season in 2019 by Baseball Reference.

The Chicago White Sox, who were thought to be the favorite to land Machado, are shocked by his decision.
White Sox Executive VP Ken Williams said he thought the White Sox had the highest offer on the table and "We could not go to $300 million."
Machado will join former All-Star teammate and World Series champion Eric Hosmer on the San Diego infield and will combine to create the middle of the Padres' lineup.
Machado also joins Yankees' slugger Giancarlo Stanton as the only two players in Major League Baseball history to sign contracts worth $300 million or more.
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